Corrective exercise is not the most exciting or flashy exercises and movements, but it plays a big role in making sure that you move better, and feel better while doing all of you daily activities and even throughout your workouts, corrective exercises do exactly what their name entails, corrects muscular imbalances or incorrect activation patterns in your body. These become very noticeable after years of bad posture and going through life without using certain muscles that become weak and lengthened.
As a personal trainer that focuses a lot on these imbalances and specializes in corrective exercise, it’s my job to take you through certain movement patterns and figure out where these imbalances are so that I can help eliminate aches and pains you have been dealing with for a long time, whether it’s knee pain, neck pain, or back pain, the list goes on, a lot of these pains persist because we haven’t fixed the root problems causing the pain, that’s why corrective exercise is so important.